Your supplier of wax textiles in Wageningen

Going back to Africa?

For all your Real Dutch wax, Superwax, Block print, Java wax and Hollandis as well as hair extensions for sale, contact Auntie Monica at Afro Wax Fashion!

You can reach her on tel. +31-317-785875 or +31-6-84297832.

The best is to call first. Our house is in the area called Wageningen Noordwest, not far from Dijkgraaf student flat. Route description from there: leave the premises of the student flat and turn right, then follow the road / bicycle path / sidewalk for some meters until you can turn left - thus entering the area called Wageningen Noordwest, Follow the road called Mondriaanlaan, through the curve towards the right and then move approx. 30 meter ahead. Turn left into the Huszarlaan and move ahead until you've almost reached the bridge. The house is on your right hand. It is house number 16.

E-mail: monica33 AT telfort DOT nl